Sunday, December 5, 2010

I Can't believe I am really this old.

When I was born almost 36 years ago I had a babysitter, Patty O'Brien. She was in her early twenties and loved us to pieces. A few years later she had twin girls, Allison and Megan, who have been family to me my whole life. They are like the sisters I never had and ALWAYS wanted. Then, Thank god, they both found great guys to marry and have babies with... These four kids are those babies.
 We had a very quick and crazy shoot in my make shift studio on one side of my bedroom. It was hilarious! It was frighting and fun all at the same time, we laughed A LOT. My favorite part was Jacob, the blondie with the tie, this picture was grabbed when he dove in front of my camera when i was shooting his sister Grace. He was like 3 inches from my lens, it was awesome.   
I know i will be shooting these guys on a very regular basis, this was just us dipping our toe in the water.
Love you all. 


HAILEY said...

these are awesome! Your "studio" lighting looks great!

Forest said...

Keenan it is great to see you shooting and posting more. Great work! Also, I really like the header image on your blog - it reminds me of home.

Eileen said...

Thanks Hailey! There was a bit, and when i say a bit, I mean a lot, of digital work done to them. :)
Mr. Woodward, thanks for the compliment on my header image, that is a block, in country road speak, down the road from me. And as far as the posting goes you have been a huge influence in getting me motivated to share me with the world, Thank you. Hope all is well.