Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shootin Some Stock

On sunday I had my friend Shawn's son, Marcus, pose for me with his football gear.  I am positive,  at this very moment,  my brother Tim is laughing his ass off since I am not a fan of football myself.  One year I called him in the middle of the Super Bowl just to chat. I truly had NO IDEA there was this 'big' game going on and could not understand why he was so annoyed with me....  Anyway, back to Marcus.  First of all i would like to say he is the nicest teenager i have met in a very long time, what a good kid.  And as you can see he is a pretty good lookin kid as well.  He put up with my ridiculous questions about football and was great at following directions.  I think he had a lot of fun.  The next round will be with him and two of his buddies doing their football thing, should be a good time.  Marcus and Shawn, thank you for taking the time.
Below is some of the images I got that day.  It was a GREAT start, but definitely looking forward to getting more.  Talk to you all soon.. Eileen


Making A Name For Myself

Sooooo...... I am trying to get into iStock. One of my goals is to spend the winter building my portfolio for stock with the help of my amazing niece and nephews. We are going to dress in costumes, go play in the snow, run the streets of Chicago and Indianapolis and much, much more. I have quite the list going... I am teaching myself to shoot specifically for stock; to come up with a list of ideas that I don't see out there in  the photo stock market and do everything I can to portray that in still imagery can be quite challenging. . In the last 3 years I have mostly been shooting Portraits and Weddings, which I love and still do on a regular basis, but stock is a different mind set.   You have to be aware of details in the image that otherwise would be null and void.  My friend Forest Woodward walked me through some of my possible stock shots and gave me an idea what will and won't work, he has become a bit of a rock star in the iStock world these days.  I am going to resubmit to iStock and see what happens, maybe i too can become the next Janis Joplin of iStock.  I will keep you posted.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Drunkin Missoula

After spending the day working on my blog and book keeping and my website and blah, blah, blah... i decided to take a bike ride downtown to my car that was booted on friday by the lovely Metermaids of Missoula. For this I am sure i will catch plenty of shit for on monday by all the lovely AI students, since it has been there all weekend, that is a given. Along the way i passed by many many reasons why i love this town and will miss it so....
After crossing over the pedestrian bridge I almost ran into a couple of girls stumbling out of the Silver Dollar to have a cig. I passed the Depot and the James Bar that were still hoping after the Griz Homecoming. Pizza on the Fly had quite the line from all the late night munchers and the Ox was just starting to pick up for the evening or should i say early morning. As i passed by Ferquoi's (?) there was a very passionate girl enjoying her 4 ft. blow up penis on the corner, as we all know once you have made it to Ferquoi's you are in for the the long hall. As i continued on I watched a very drunk kid stumble across Higgins Ave while the light was green and cars honked at him because he was being a jackass. As i passed him i told him to "be careful" and he told me to "fuck off". Oh drunk people. Don't get me wrong it is not the bars that i will miss, it's the people. i have never felt more myself in a place and for some reason all those people i just saw for a moment reminded me of how great it is to be in a place where you can just be you, no matter what.
Thanks for listening to the ramble.