This guys are one of the main reasons i came to spend some time in the midwest this winter. The baby is Padraic, my brother Tim's little boy. I am staying with them for a bit and get to spend lots of time with this little guy. He is HILARIOUS! I love it that i get to be here for so many of the cool things that babies do for the first time. He should be walking any day now and then we are all in T.R.O.U.B.L.E.
The other little man is Wyatt, my brother Michael's son. He is seven and ALL boy. He LOVES that i constantly have my camera in his face as you can tell. Him and I spend Tuesdays and Thursdays together after school hangin out and then we go to Tae Kwan Do. Yes, that is right, I am doing Tae Kwan DO. It is actually pretty awesome, and soon I will feel confident that if I were ever in a street fight that i could truly kick some ass. The other day, I was paired up with a five year old. He was the cutiest little boy with a mohawk and a gorgeous smile. He totally smoked me in my form, it was amazing. I was truly in awe of some of these kids. It is not all kids. it is a mixture of about 30 people ages 5 to 50, it is very awesome thing to see.
Don't worry pictures will be coming.